Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Blogging for the fun of it...

It is only a few short months ago that I began this blogging experience. I think I fall right into the general population of bloggers: after 3 months of blogging my posts began to dwindle. Partly, it is that I have not yet mastered the ability to connect with the world out there in cyber space. I did happen to see a figure on one of my sites that demonstrated to me that some in cyber space have actually found their way on to my blogs, but, they have not been moved to respond to anything I write.  Such is life. Recently, I have wanted to get back to this blogging business and see if I can't make the leap across the great divide or the great silence barrier. I have seen a few posts that give advice a such a process and I will once again try to implement these suggestions. In the mean time, I hope to get excited about blathering on on my blog sites and in the process inspire someone to reach out and blather back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Linda,
Don't get excited it's just me. I have no blatherers either and I created several different blogs/wilkizines to see if anybody would respond. Anytime I visit The Blogs now I hear that Elton John song "Rocket Man" in my head. "Rocket Man, burning out his fuse up here alone..." How can I be so invisible up here, Supernova that I think I am? I think I'd have better luck getting readers/responders if I littered the catacombs of Paris with my writings.
Good luck with The Blogs,